The first day of Lent in the Greek Orthodox liturgical calendar is known as Green Monday—and this year the public holiday falls on 11 March. It follows the last day of carnival, a period of Dionysian celebration featuring playfully costumed celebrants in elaborate parades. During Lent, observers express penitence through symbolic abstinence (usually from meat, cheese, and dairy products) while also welcoming in the spring season. Green Monday inaugurates the forty-day period of Lent as Cypriots head to parks, fields, and beaches to enjoy outdoor games and activities and light picnic meals following the Lenten diet. At Annabelle, we invite you to a special Green Monday Lunch at Mediterraneo (12:30-15:30). Our seaside taverna offers the perfect setting to enjoy al fresco dining and the lively spirit of the day. The lunch features a traditional, sharing-style meze menu including calamari, octopus, raw vegetables, and dips (€20 per person); the regular à la carte menu is also available. Live guitar and vocal music set the festive mood. Like participants throughout Cyprus, we’ll include a traditional kite-running competition in our celebration: it’s a great way to harness the energy of the balmy spring breezes blowing off the sea. So now that you know what Green Monday is, why not join in the celebration? Contact Guest Services for reservations.