The village of Akrotiri sits on a peninsula of very flat land just west of Limassol. At its core is the Akrotiri Environmental Education Centre, which offers an excellent introduction to the ecology of the area. Inside, you can observe dioramas depicting marshland, the marine environment, dry habitats, and bird and animal life. You can also learn about the local anthropology, as exhibits describe prehistoric hunter-gatherer society and the tradition of soft basketry made with reeds from the wetlands. Pass through the back door to a deck from which you can take in expansive views of the salt lake. Telescopes help you see birds on the lake—including hundreds of flamingos during the winter months. Surrounding the centre is a botanical garden featuring local species. The centre offers extensive educational programming, with a laboratory, a conference room, and a library supporting it. You can also take a self-guided tour of the Akrotiri Marsh, which is just a few minutes away by car. The conservation area is part of the larger wetland complex. Follow the path through high grasses, learning about insects, plants, and birds from signs along the way, and you will reach the raised bird blind; placards illustrate birds you may spot. You can also stroll on the roadway along the perimeter of the marsh. Grazing cattle help maintain a balance among the kinds of grasses growing here. A second bird blind, this one at ground level, sits next to a small pond nearby. Bring a pair of binoculars and some boots and explore the wilds of Aktrotiri.